Product Stewardship Resource Library
Our products are used in a wide variety of applications globally and are subject to international chemical control and use-specific requirements. Prior to new products entering the marketplace, and while our products are in use, we carefully consider their effect on the health and safety of our customers, employees and the communities where we operate, as well as their impact on the environment.
Consistent with the expectations established in the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Responsible Care® Product Safety Code of Management Practices, Cabot has established a risk-based process for prioritizing its products. The process assists in determining which of our products may require more comprehensive evaluation and assessment, including risk management and control measures. The process, modeled after guidance developed by the ACC, includes an evaluation of each of Cabot’s products based on environmental, health and physical hazards as determined by application of the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. Information on product hazards is combined with annual product sales volume data to create a more complete picture of the exposure potential of our products.
Safety data sheets are available for all Cabot products and Product Stewardship Summaries are available for each of Cabot’s major product lines. Other frequently referenced documents include the Carbon Black User Guide, developed through our participation in the International Carbon Black Association and our European Union Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (EU REACH) Only Representative communication package.
We encourage you to visit our libraries below to learn more about procedures for handling and working with our products in a safe manner.