Water is vital to human life and healthy ecosystems around the globe. It is also a natural resource we depend on in our manufacturing processes, and we must pay close attention to ensuring responsible water consumption and management.
We seek to conserve water across our operations and to discharge wastewater that is properly treated to avoid degradation to the surrounding environment.
We have recently conducted water balance and water efficiency assessments at eight priority sites based on area water-stress level or water-savings potential. The water balance assessments measure water withdrawal, use and discharge patterns. Our comprehensive water efficiency assessments analyze where and how water is extracted and utilized in each plant in order to uncover opportunities for greater water efficiency and reduction of water used in the process. Based on this analysis, we have addressed leaks to reduce water loss and identified a number of potential water-saving opportunities that we are pursuing to drive continuous improvement in our water performance as we work toward our 2025 sustainability water withdrawal intensity goal.