Our focus on energy is consistent with our corporate strategy to generate value through efficiency and optimization.
We understand that improved energy efficiency delivers both direct and indirect emission reduction and economic benefits. Our manufacturing processes are heavily dependent on energy and we are committed to continuously looking for ways to advance toward our goal of reducing our overall energy intensity by reducing our consumption and harnessing waste energy often lost in our processes.
We have reached an important milestone in surpassing our 2025 goal of exporting 200% of the energy we import. This accomplishment is the outcome of our actions to improve energy efficiency and proactively invest in energy recovery systems, which make our facilities energy self-sufficient and net exporters to nearby businesses and communities.
Energy recovery and energy efficiency continue to be two important focus areas of our environmental strategy while we explore new opportunities to innovate and invest in lower-carbon production processes.
Recently, we announced our participation in the expansion of the Botlek Steam Network in the Netherlands. Our energy recovery system at our Botlek facility converts waste heat into useable steam for our partners. Through this joint initiative, CO2 emissions in the Rotterdam Botlek community will be reduced, resulting from a decrease of natural gas consumption of 50 million nm3 per year in the area.
We have made investments at our carbon black plant in Xingtai, China that have enabled us to advance our energy efficiency efforts, community well-being and environmental responsibility. For the last few years, this site has exported hot water for a local district heating system, contributing to the energy needs of the surrounding community. Most recently, we have made upgrades to the plant that have greatly increased its ability to recover energy for steam generation, both for internal use and for exports.
View our latest sustainability report to learn about our progress and goals.
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